Piper Labhart

High School: Perry Central

HS Graduation Class: 2031

Height: 4’11

Player Bio:

My name is Piper Labhart, and this is my first year with DistinXion. I chose DistinXion because my sister played for them, and I saw how much she improved, so I decided to try it too. My ultimate goal is to be a better ball handler and shooter. My goals off the court are to keep doing well in school and be a good person to everyone around me. After high school, I want to go to Purdue or IU and be a pediatrician. My dream job is to be a cosmetologist or do anything with kids. In my free time, I enjoy reading and spending time with family. A fun fact about myself is that I have 2 Guinea pigs, I play 3 sports, and I love summer.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” -C.S Lewis