Braelly Stagnolia
High School: Austin
HS Graduation Class: 2029
Height: 5’9
Player Bio:
My name is Braelly Stagnolia, and this is my first year with DistinXion. I chose DistinXion because I wanted to get better as a player and person. My ultimate goal on the court is to win games and have a positive attitude. Off the court, I hope to be a 4.0 student in high school, become a lawyer, and be as kind and supportive as I can to the people around me. My plans after high school are to go to college and become a lawyer or a teacher. My dream job is to be a lawyer. In my free time I like to play basketball, go on vacation, and spend time with my friends and family. A fun fact about myself is that I got top 30 in the Global Amazing Shake.
Colossians 3:23