Bailey Begle

HIGH SCHOOL: Forest Park


HEIGHT: 5’8 1/2


My name is Bailey Begle and this is my third year in the DistinXion Program. I chose DistinXion because it has a good environment. It is a good program to help develop my skills in basketball, and grow my faith with Christ. I am also looking forward to making new friends this season. My ultimate goal is to become a more confident basketball player, an encouraging teammate, and improve overall as a player. I hope to always have a good attitude. My goals off the court are to keep straight A’s and strengthen my faith. After high school I plan to attend college for nursing. My dream job is to be a NICU nurse. In my free time I like to go shopping, hang out with friends and family, and play sports.

"And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him"

Romans 8:28